Vráble castle, perished

Vráble « Nitra « Nitra region (Tekov historic region)

The castle which was built in 1624-1625 in Baroque style. It was used to defend the country aginst Osmans. It had four corner bastions and was rounded by a water moat. It disappeared during 18th century. Its reconstruction is shown at the table near the town authorities.

Historic names

Fidvár, Zemný hrad; Hung. Földvár


The castle which was built in 1624-1625 in Baroque style. It was used to defend the country aginst Osmans. It had four corner bastions and was rounded by a water moat. It disappeared during 18th century. Its reconstruction is shown at the table near the town authorities.

Location N48.222130,E18.303963

On the mound near the river Žitava, altitude above sea level: 145 meters.


How to get here

By railway No.151 Šurany - Zlaté Moravce, station Vráble or by state road No.51 Nitra - Levice.


Historic views (4)

Historic views (4)

Historic views (4)

Historic views (4)

Where to next

Tekov (11 km), Nitriansky hrad (12 km), Gýmeš (14 km), Levice castle (14 km), Hronský Beňadik (14 km), Topoľčianky (15 km), Oponický hrad (17 km), Čierny hrad (17 km), Nové Zámky (18 km), Nová Baňa - Zámčisko (18 km), Breznica (18 km), Hrušov (19 km), Živanska veža (19 km)