Tekov castle, perished

Starý Tekov « Levice « Nitra region (Tekov historic region)

A perished castle built in 11th century and destroyed in 14th century.

Historic names

Tekovský hrad; 1075 castrum Bors, 1206 castrum de Bors, 1301 castrum Borsiensis


A perished castle built in 11th century and destroyed in 14th century.

Location N48.246340,E18.535215

There is a cemetery on the place of the former castle. Location Várheď is now the center of Starý Tekov, there is (except the cemetery) the square with the church and houses.



Photos (3)

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Photos (3)

Ground plans (1)

Where to next

Levice castle (3 km), Hronský Beňadik (7 km), Breznica (10 km), Vráble (11 km), Nová Baňa - Zámčisko (12 km), Nová Baňa - mestský hrad (13 km), Topoľčianky (13 km), Rudno (14 km), Živanska veža (15 km), Hrušov (17 km), Gýmeš (18 km), Žarnovica (18 km), Skýcov (18 km), Čierny hrad (19 km), Sitno (19 km)