Oponický hrad castle, ruin

Oponice « Topoľčany « Nitra region (Nitra historic region)

Ruins of a castle from 13th century which burnt down in 1645.

Historic names

1321 castrum Opon


Ruins of a castle from 13th century which burnt down in 1645.

Location N48.448250,E18.156412

In the eastern part of the mountains Tribeč in the nature reservation Ponitrie, altitude 333 meters


How to get here

From Nitra by bus to Oponice. By (5129) along with the creek Oponický potok. After entering forest go to the right.


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Where to next

Gýmeš (4 km), Čierny hrad (6 km), Nitriansky hrad (10 km), Bošany (10 km), Topoľčianky (12 km), Hrušov (13 km), Skýcov (13 km), Michal's castle (14 km), Topoľčany castle (15 km), Šimonovany (17 km), Živanska veža (17 km), Veľké Uherce (17 km), Vráble (17 km), Hlohovec castle (17 km), Leopoldov (17 km), Nová Baňa - Zámčisko (18 km), Tematín (19 km), Posádka (19 km), Bánovský hrad (19 km)