Ostrý Kameň castle, ruin
A castle built in 13th century to protect "Bohemia Road". During Rákoczi uprising damaged and slowly turned into ruins.

Historic names
Ostrý Kameň, Ostriež, Ostriežsky hrad, Biksárdsky hrad, 1366 Eleskw, 1394 Eleskw in wlgari theutonico Scharfessteyn, 1504 Eleskew, Ostrziess, Ozthris alias Elecskew; Hung. Elesko, Germ. Scharfenstein
A castle built in 13th century to protect "Bohemia Road". During Rákoczi uprising damaged and slowly turned into ruins.
Location N48.522273,E17.372838
On the west side of the mountains Malé Karpaty on their highest hill Záruby near Buková, altitude 510 meters
How to get here
From Plavecký Mikulá�: from railway station by to Brezinky and up the hill to the castle.
From Plavecký Peter: go by along water reservoir Buková to Brezinky and by
to the castle.
From Smoleníc: by through the canyon valley Hlboča and by
to the crest of Záruby. Go west to the castle.