Dobrá Voda castle, ruin

Dobrá Voda « Trnava « Trnava region (Nitra historic region)

Ruins of the castle built in 13th century, rebuilt in 14th century. It falls into ruins since 19th century.

Historic names

Dobrovodský hrad, 1263 Jokw, 1316 Joku, 1394 Bona Aqua, 1436 Dobra Woda, Hung. Jókő, Ger. Guttenstein


Ruins of the castle built in 13th century, rebuilt in 14th century. It falls into ruins since 19th century.

Location N48.609547,E17.528934

In the northern part of the mountains Malé Karpaty, near the village Dobrá Voda, altitude 320 meters.


How to get here

By bus from Trnava to Dobrá Voda. From the bus stop near the church by (0701) through the cemetery. Then through the wood near Jewish cemetery aproximately 15 minutes to the castle.


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Reconstructions (1)

Where to next

Jablonica (5 km), Korlátka (7 km), Smolenice (8 km), Branč (9 km), Ostrý Kameň (9 km), Veselé (11 km), Čachtický hrad (13 km), Plavecký hrad (14 km), Leopoldov (16 km), Červený Kameň (17 km), Hlohovec castle (18 km), Šaštín (18 km), Tematín (19 km)