Šomoška castle, ruin

Šiatorská Bukovinka « Lučenec « Banská Bystrica region (Novohrad historic region)

Ruins of a Gothic castle from 14th century. Destroyed after 1703.

Historic names

Šomošský hrad, Drienov, 1323 castrum Somoskw, Somoskew = Drieňový Kameň


Ruins of a Gothic castle from 14th century. Destroyed after 1703.

Location N48.171405,E19.856978



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Where to next

Hajnáčka (6 km), Fiľakovo castle (7 km), Hodejov (11 km), Holiša (11 km), Kapla (13 km), Ožďany (14 km), Sobôtka (16 km), Halič castle (18 km)