Krásna Hôrka castle, preserved

Krásnohorské Podhradie « Rožňava « Košice region (Gemer-Malohont historic region)

The castle from the beginnig of 14th century. In 16th - 18th century rebuilt. Museum and gallery. A mausoleum is located near the castle.

Historic names

1322 castrum Karaznahurka, 1329 Craznahorka, 1341 castrum Krasnahorka


The castle from the beginnig of 14th century. In 16th - 18th century rebuilt. Museum and gallery. A mausoleum is located near the castle.

Location N48.658284,E20.600378



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Where to next

Rožňavský hrad (3 km), Brzotín (6 km), Sokolí Kameň (8 km), Muránčok (10 km), Štítnický hrad (11 km), Plešivský hrad (12 km), Turňa (13 km), Jasov monastery (17 km), Jasov (17 km), Markušovce castle (18 km), Jelšava (18 km), Moldava (19 km), Gemer castle (19 km)