Brzotín castle, ruin

Brzotín « Rožňava « Košice region (Gemer-Malohont historic region)

Ruins of a Gothic castle, which was built in 1293-1327 and destroyed by Ottomans in 1573.

Historic names

Brzotínsky hrad; 1311 castrum Berzete, 1327 castrum lapideum Berzethe


Ruins of a gothic castle, which was built in 1293-1327 and destroyed by Osmans in 1573.

Location N48.608950,E20.490217


Where to next

Rožňavský hrad (4 km), Sokolí Kameň (6 km), Plešivský hrad (6 km), Krásna Hôrka (6 km), Štítnický hrad (7 km), Muránčok (9 km), Gemer castle (13 km), Jelšava (13 km), Rákoš (16 km), Turňa (18 km), Drienok (19 km), Blh (19 km)