Veľký Kamenec castle, ruin

Veľký Kamenec « Trebišov « Košice region (Zemplín historic region)

Ruins of a castle built in 13th century. It was destroyed in 1672.

Historic names

Kamenec, Kevežď, Kamenský hrad; 1283 Kuezd, 1323 castrum Kuwesd, 1438 castrum Kewesd, 1444 castrum Kwesd, Kewesd, 1479 castrum Nagy Kewesd


Ruins of a castle built in 13th century. It was destroyed in 1672.

Location N48.358721,E21.808020

Near the Slovak-Hungarian frontier in the village Veľký Kamenec



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Where to next

Streda nad Bodrogom (3 km), Borša (5 km), Zemplínsky hrad (6 km), Svatuse (7 km), Cejkov (8 km), Kráľovský Chlmec (9 km), Zatín (9 km), Veľké Trakany (14 km), Boťany (14 km), Kazimír (15 km), Malčice castle (16 km), Parič (19 km)