Kráľovský Chlmec castle, ruin

Kráľovský Chlmec « Trebišov « Košice region (Zemplín historic region)

The castle was built by Palóczi family in 1414. At the beginnig of 16th century was rebuilt by Peter from Perín. Demolished by Ferdinand I.

Historic names

Hung. Királyhelmec


The castle was built by Palóczi family in 1414. At the beginnig of 16th century was rebuilt by Peter from Perín. Demolished by Ferdinand I.

Location N48.424036,E21.974539

On the hill Kráľov vŕšok above the town.



Photos (1)

Where to next

Svatuse (2 km), Zatín (5 km), Boťany (5 km), Veľké Trakany (6 km), Zemplínsky hrad (7 km), Veľký Kamenec (9 km), Cejkov (10 km), Streda nad Bodrogom (11 km), Malčice castle (12 km), Borša (13 km), Parič (18 km), Kazimír (19 km)