Strážky small castle, rebuilt into another building

Spišská Belá « Kežmarok « Prešov region (Spiš historic region)

A mansion house built in the Renaissance style on a place of a Gothic castle from the 13th century.


A mansion house built in the Renaissance style on a place of a Gothic castle from the 13th century.

Location N49.171964,E20.453777


Where to next

Kežmarský zámok (2 km), Holumnica castle (5 km), Podolínec (7 km), Ľubovňa castle (15 km), Hrabušice castle (15 km), Červený Kláštor (16 km), Kláštorisko (16 km), Hamborek (17 km), Brezovica (18 km), Spišský hrad (19 km), Plaveč (19 km), Markušovce castle (19 km)