Nový hrad castle, ruin

Hanigovce « Sabinov « Prešov region (Šariš historic region)

Ruins of a castle built in the first half of 14th century on the former Slavic stronghold. After the fire in 1557 was not renewed.

Historic names

1342 castrum Wywar, 1455 Novum Castrum; Hung. Újvár


Ruins of a castle built in the first half of 14th century on the former Slavic stronghold. After the fire in 1557 was not renewed.

Location N49.189972,E21.039093


Where to next

Kamenica (3 km), Hertník (9 km), Brezovica (9 km), Plaveč (10 km), Lipovce (10 km), Hamborek (10 km), Šarišský hrad (11 km), Bardejov (13 km), Svinia (13 km), Kapušiansky hrad (16 km), Nižná Šebastová (16 km), Zborov (16 km), Ľubovňa castle (18 km), Solivar (18 km), Spišský hrad (18 km), Richnava (19 km), Šebeš (19 km)