Eberhard castle, rebuilt into another building
Malinovo « Senec « Bratislava region
historic region)
The castle is first time mentioned in 1209. It belonged counts from Svätý Jur and Pezinok. The water castle was rebuilt into a Renessaince mansion house after 1677, the moat was partly preserved. Last recounstruction took part in the 19th century. Now there is a schol for gardeners.

Historic names
The castle is first time mentioned in 1209. It belonged counts from Svätý Jur and Pezinok. The water castle was rebuilt into a Renessaince mansion house after 1677, the moat was partly preserved. Last recounstruction took part in the 19th century. Now there is a schol for gardeners.
Location N48.152830,E17.297347