Vršatec castle, ruin

Vršatské Podhradie « Iľava « Trenčín region (Trenčín historic region)

Ruins of a Gothic castle built in 13th century. It was destroyed in the beginning of 18th century after explosion of fire powder.

Historic names

Vršatský hrad, Levia skala; 1316 Oruslankw, 1348 Orozlankw, 1417 Orozlanky, 1447 castrum Lebenstein, 1491 Wrssatec; Hung. Oroslánkó, Germ. Lowenstein


Ruins of a Gothic castle built in 13th century. It was destroyed in the beginning of 18th century after explosion of fire powder.

Location N49.065614,E18.151102

On a cliff high above the valley of Váh in Biele Karpaty, altitude 805 meters


How to get here

By bus from Ilava via Pruské to Vršatské Podhradie. From the bus stop continue up the village to the canyon between two clifs. Turn left (near the information table) to the castle.


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Where to next

Lednica (4 km), Ilava castle (6 km), Košeca (9 km), Súča (10 km), Skalka (11 km), Trenčín castle (13 km), Považský castle (15 km), Domanižský hrad (18 km)