Zemplínsky hrad castle, perished

Zemplín « Trebišov « Košice region (Zemplín historic region)

A perished castle built in the 12th century on the site of an older fortified settlement, destroyed in the 17th century. There are currently two churches on its place.

Historic names

Zemplín; 1214 Zemplyn, 1233 castrum de Zemplyen; Hung. Zemplén

Location N48.441145,E21.813684



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Where to next

Cejkov (3 km), Zatín (5 km), Svatuse (5 km), Streda nad Bodrogom (6 km), Veľký Kamenec (6 km), Borša (6 km), Kráľovský Chlmec (7 km), Malčice castle (10 km), Kazimír (12 km), Boťany (13 km), Parič (13 km), Veľké Trakany (14 km)